Monday, October 24, 2005

Jack, Gordon, and Frances

Diane, Jake and I carved our pumpkins last night.
Here are our final products, with brief commentary...

Here we see the 'Group' shot. Diane's pumpkin, (Jack) is on the left, followed by Jake's (Gordon) and Mine (Frances).

In this shot of Jack and Frances you can get a good look at some key features...

We awarded the following titles:
Jack - Happiest Pumpkin.
Gordon - Saddest Pumpkin.
Frances - Most Innovative Ear Design.

Jack is a Very Happy Boy!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Firefly Quiz!

You are Wash. Not only are you a great pilot, you
are also the joker of the group. Your devotion
to your wife is admirable, though you sometimes
feel insecure. Thank god you shaved off your

Which Firefly character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Incidentally another Firefly Quiz gave me a 70% Wash match-up... I guess that seals the deal...

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Justin Needs...

So I was compulsively hitting the 'next blog' button on the blogger toolbar when I came across an interesting idea. (The page responsible is lost to me, but it wasn't their idea either.)

The idea is to do a google search for your name followed by the word 'needs' all in double quotes. Here are the results: (just from the first page)

1. Justin needs to start playing smash bros again.

2. Justin needs parent(s) who will encourage emotional, social, and intellectual progress within a closed classroom setting.

3. Justin needs to find a way to make sales grow.

4. Sweet Caffeine: For all your Justin Needs

5. Justin Needs Help!

6. Justin needs to learn this isn't 500 bc and you can't bang every girl that makes your slinky go doing-doing!

7. Justin needs to work hardest on pushing the ball straight down the floor at break-neck speed, rather than weaving east and west.

There seem to be a lot of links to other peoples 'justin needs' searches, so I've tried to omit those...


Another Quiz

You are Lawrence.

You're pretty laid back. Just a few beers, a few
buddies and the breast exams on channel 9 are
all you need to feel content.

Which Office Space Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

No Rock Operas Will be Written...

I can assure you that I am not a Pinball Wizard. I'm not even a Pinball Wizard's Apprentice. My friend Tim, whose position on the Pinball hierarchy is significantly further along than my own, can personally attest to my track record in regard to the machines in question.

So imagine my surprise when a chance encounter with a Stargate Pinball machine, in the Unity House of Pizza turns into a magical experience. An experience where, for the first and only time in my life, I have to walk away from the machine because I've run out of time instead of quarters. After I heard the machine 'knock' a third time, signaling my third free game, I had to give up and get back to work.

I don't know if it was the machine, or if I'm having some sort of internal Pinball Revolution, or if I just sort of stored up all those years of miserable pinballmanship (suck on that one, spellchecker) and let it all out in one glorious moment or pure, orgasmic Pinball.

Whatever the reason, I'm not anticipating a repeat performance. I'm content to bask in the muted light of my fifteen minutes of Pinball Glory.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Betrayal at House on the Hill

Tonight a small gang of would-be gamers met at Joe's place for a round of Betrayal at House on the Hill. I've had the game for a while now and if you're at all familiar with it, you know something of the complexity inside that glossy cardboard box. First of all there are something like 179 individual cardboard tokens, representing various creatures and objects, 3 decks of cards, a stack of room tiles, character boards and tokens, and a handful of dice.

Chaos in a box.

The great thing about the game is that there are 50 different scenarios and the house that you're in is never the same twice. Tonight there were six of us, including two that had never played. For the most part things went smoothly, only having to consult the rules, and errata once or twice.
When the game was first released there were a number or errors and omissions in the rules of the game, which have mostly been fixed in a file you can print out and stick in the box. I've found that having all that information at hand is a great help when problems come up.

The premise of the game is that you're all friends who, for whatever reason, all enter a rather large, haunted looking mansion.
The house happens to be on a hill, I guess.
It's probably raining too.
Anyway, you all start off on the same team, and players take turns exploring new rooms and dealing with whatever the house throws at them. At some point in the game an event will take place that will cause one player to turn against everyone else and you find out which of the 50 scenarios you're dealing with.

It's a complex game, but it's also a lot of fun and definitely a favorite in our group.
Tonight, I ended up being the Traitor. I won't bore you with the details but leave it at this: I lost the game by one dice roll. I needed four and rolled a three. The one remaining hero (I'd managed to kill the other four) claimed victory and sent my minions and me on our way.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


So I'm reading this book, Dhampir. It's mostly what I would consider Pulp-Fantasy. I'm not particularly a Fantasy reader - I like me some Sci-Fi - I never finished The Fellowship of the Ring, and I never attempted any of Tolkien's other works. I know I lose Nerd Points. So be it.
I picked this one up by mistake. It was mixed in with some cyber-punk kind of stuff on a table in Borders and, noticing the 'Buffy' reference I bought it.
Well... I'm about halfway through and all I can think about is when it's going to be over. It's not a bad book. I'm just not into it. I can appreciate all the vampire jive - that's why I picked it up - but it's just not my thing...

Thursday, October 06, 2005

50,000 Words

When I actually start writing I'm going to shoot for 1800 words a day. Hopefully if I can stick to that I'll hit the 50,000 mark early (not by much) and give myself a little cushion if I fall behind - which I'll try desperately not to do.

I'll also have to abandon my typical edit-as-I-write style and just let the words fall out. I can edit after I pass the 50,000 word mark. Which means my rough draft is going to be awful... But that's why we have second drafts. Besides, they're not looking for quality - just the 50,000 words. I would like to finish with something worth reading though.

What the hell am I going to write about? What could possibly sustain me for 50,000 words? I don't think any of my longer writing had yet exceeded the 10,000 word mark... And that's stuff that's been kicking around for a while.

Well, succeed or fail, I can say I tried...


50,000 Words in 30 Days.

I don't have a chance in hell, but I'm going to try....

Part 2

Another gust ruffled his pant leg and he traced its source to a vent near the floor. Forgetting his sandwich he dropped to his knees, the open soda bottle rolling an oblong spiral of Pepsi around him. He mashed his ear to the grate, hands spread on the smooth concrete of the foundation wall.
He could hear them out there, but he guessed that the opening on the other end of the shaft was secure enough. No way to really know for sure, he thought. He looked down at the remains of the sandwich, now soaking in cola. With a grunt he pushed himself standing and took a good look around.
For a moment he was reminded of MacGyver, surveying the scene, searching for anything that might come in handy. I don't have a Swiss Army knife. I guess that means I'm fucked. I suppose I'm pretty well fucked anyway. The basement was mostly empty. Aren't basements supposed to be full of shit people don't have room for? He kicked the almost empty soda bottle across the room where it struck the wall and went spinning into a corner, rolling to a stop in front of an old roll-top desk.


So the whole gang met down in Augusta to catch the 7:20 showing of Serenity. Josh, Tim and I finished up the last couple episodes of Firefly a week or two ago so we were pretty excited to see the film. We also brought along a couple of Firefly/Serenity virgins - Diane among them - and I was very curious to hear their reactions to the movie.

Before the movie Diane had made a vaguely disparaging comment about the potential entertainment value of the movie, and I told her I'd pay her a dollar if she made it through the movie without laughing out loud at least once. I got to keep my dollar.

I liked it quite a lot. Diane said, (and I quote) "I'm glad you made me watch that. I liked it." Which means she liked it more than she was willing to admit. When I mentioned that the entire series was something like 14 episodes I got the impression that she wouldn't be totally opposed to the idea of watching it. Perhaps a little reluctant to undertake another series, (we're working through MacGyver and The X Files already) but not an outright refusal. That's something, I guess.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Five Minutes of Fiction

For your reading pleasure I present you with five minutes of hastily prepared, completely improvised, and unedited fiction. Five minutes, because that's when my lunch ends...

He crammed a chunk of stale roast beef sandwich into his mouth, bits of shredded lettuce tumbling down his shirt front. The discarded sandwich wrapper lay at his feet. Pausing to chew and swallow, he raised a bottle of warm Pepsi to his lips. A lump of almost sour mayonnaise clung to the corner of his mouth.
He jumped as a small breeze sent the sandwich wrapper skittering across the concrete floor. Taking a step forward he put a foot down on the wrapper. He needed the quiet - needed to hear the silence.
How many? he wondered. How many were there? 30? Maybe 50? He shuddered. He could faintly hear them scratching on the outer walls upstairs.

Well, there're my five minutes... Just when I get rolling my time is up...

Random Link!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

My New Favorite Joke

What do you get when you cross a insomniac with a dyslexic and an agnostic?

Someone who stays up all night wondering whether there is a dog.

Walken for President

This was brought to my attention today. If only it were real. I'd vote for him in a second. Perhaps I'll write him in anyway.

This weekend Diane and I dug out our old school Gameboy units (No easy task - hers was in a box, in a crawlspace at her parent's house.) and played massive amounts of head-to-head Tetris. I have to say that initially I dominated but toward the end we were pretty evenly matched.
Sigh. Who would ever need more than 8 bits?