Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Beunos Dias!

I'm taking an adult ed Intro to Spanish class with Helen from work. Last night was my first night, and I feel we covered a lot of ground. I can see how someone could easily fall behind if they weren't on their toes. Among other things, we played '¿Qué es esta?' in which our instructor pointed at various objects while we bellowed their names in Spanish.

Apparently he could hear the four years of French in my Spanish. He said we'd work on that.

Well, I'm off to be a semi-productive member of society.
Adiós, mis amigos.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

For Those Who Don't Know When to Give Up...

This may, in fact, be the longest stretch of downtime since The Log first appeared on the old interweb, way back in 2003. I just lost interest. I may start posting again, but we'll see how that works out.

I suppose I'd better catch you up on recent and not so recent events.
I've moved. Josh and I parted on friendly terms, and I transferred all of my possessions to my Grandparents basement. I've got lots of room and the rent is what you'd call managable. I even get the occasional free meal.
I'm currently in the process of catalouging and rearranging my library. It has become a bigger project than I initially thought. I've been using a program I found on the interweb, called elibpro, which queries Amazon for ISBNs and returns all kind of helpful info that's automatically stored in a local database. So I wrote a program that would allow me to scan EAN barcodes (using my trusty Cuecat barcode scanner) and convert them to ISBNs. Which is great until you run into the 50-75 books or so in my collection that are old enough to not have ISBNs. These will have to be manually entered at some point.
I've also been playing the Gamecube remake of the first Resident Evil game. I've never played a Resident Evil game before (excluding the first hour or so of Josh's Resident Evil 4) and I'm really into it. Actually I get too into it - I have to stop playing when it gets dark. I blame this house though. It's creepy.
Things continue to go well with Diane, though at this point I doubt you'll ever here otherwise. Neither of us is going anywhere.
Well, I've got to get to work - here's hoping that this isn't so riddled with spelling and gramatical errors to be incoherent.