Thursday, October 06, 2005

50,000 Words

When I actually start writing I'm going to shoot for 1800 words a day. Hopefully if I can stick to that I'll hit the 50,000 mark early (not by much) and give myself a little cushion if I fall behind - which I'll try desperately not to do.

I'll also have to abandon my typical edit-as-I-write style and just let the words fall out. I can edit after I pass the 50,000 word mark. Which means my rough draft is going to be awful... But that's why we have second drafts. Besides, they're not looking for quality - just the 50,000 words. I would like to finish with something worth reading though.

What the hell am I going to write about? What could possibly sustain me for 50,000 words? I don't think any of my longer writing had yet exceeded the 10,000 word mark... And that's stuff that's been kicking around for a while.

Well, succeed or fail, I can say I tried...


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