Saturday, November 27, 2004

The Spirit of Christmas... One of them anyway...

We opened Thursday night, Thanksgiving. I'm not sure I've mentioned that I'm involved in a local theater production of A Christmas Carol, but I am and we opened Thursday night.

I have two parts, neither of them particularly large, but both important to the story. Thomas Shelley is a street vendor too poor to pay his rent. Scrooge threatens to turn him out if he doesn't 'make good.'
The Ghost of Christmas Future, I'm sure needs no explanation. It's an interesting role to have, despite having no lines. I find it to be one of the most challenging roles I've played. This is primarily because I spend all of my stage time on drywall stilts, draped in 50-60 lbs of black cloak, sweating and trying not to fall over. Oh, and occasionally pointing at things, menacingly...

Thursday night was the preview night and last night was the Gala Opening. Diane and her sister, Karen, came to see it last night. It's a decent show, I think. The guy that plays Scrooge is wonderful.

So you should come see it. We're going three weekends – Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at 7:30pm and Sunday at 2:00pm. Don't see it Saturday the Fourth, because I won't be there, someone else will be covering my parts, and if you're reading this, I trust you want to see me in action, not those other fools. The Belfast Maskers theater is located on Front street in Belfast, down by the waterfront.