Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Two Weeks Coming...

When I sat down to type this, I thought, 'My Gosh, it's awfully quiet. Why don't I listen to some streaming radio?' This very quickly turned into a 30 minute search for the perfect 'post composing' music. I finally settled on a station playing nothing but early 90's – I Wanna Sex You Up. Sigh...

Let's pick up from the last post, almost two weeks ago...

Fast-Forward through most of the work week – it's pretty much the same thing every day... Except for Friday. Friday started out like the Hindenburg's maiden voyage.
I got up early to mend a pair of slacks so that I could wear them to work. To tell you the truth, I was pretty impressed with my sewing ability. It looked pretty good. In the process of of getting dressed, I managed to snap one of the shoelaces on a pair of dress shoes I had purchased just over a month ago. I frantically searched for a donor with compatible laces and found a match in my six year old pair of Docs. I performed the surgery as fast as I could, and though I was running late, I still thought I could make it to work on time.
After spending roughly ten minutes attempting to get the Cougar running and rolling, I was perhaps 20 feet out of my driveway when I got pulled over by one of Belfast's finest. I should mention that my inspection ran out in September. I have no reverse, one of the tires is in rough shape, and there's a hole in the exhaust. Fearing the worst, I was delighted to escape with a verbal warning to get the vehicle inspected within ten days.
When I finally got to work – late – I managed to rip the pants I'd just mended and by lunch time I had dropped an entire pizza, face down, on the floor. I ate most of it anyway.

After work Friday night Diane, Josh, and I went out for Thai and spent an otherwise peaceful night at home. We watched Donnie Darko because Diane hadn't seen it. I'm pretty sure she was asleep within the first 10 minutes, so Josh and I watched the rest by ourselves.
Saturday morning I had to work but after that Diane and I went out for lunch with Sarah and Jesse which eventually turned into an afternoon and evening of casual drinking. We had lunch at Ming Gardens, in Bucksport. If you live anywhere near Bucksport, ME, it's worth the trip over – the food is great, prices are reasonable, and the drinks pack a punch.

By the following Friday, fate had placed a new (used) car in my driveway. Diane found it on the internet, and over the course of several days of intense dickering and begging, it became mine. It's a 1993 Honda Accord. It's black, power everything, only 60,000 miles and it's mine. No more pushing the Cougar around! They actually took it as a trade in – I paid $500.00 for it a year and a half ago, and that's what I got for it in trade. This Accord is the nicest vehicle I've ever had the privilege to call my own. I'm very happy with it.

That night, Diane and I traveled up to Orono, to see a show with Isaac and Audrey. I was very glad to see Jose and meet his wife. It's been years since I've seen him and I've never met her. We had a pretty good time and, we didn't hit Belfast until almost 3am.

That should bring you up to date – I'll try not to let another two weeks go before the next one.