Wednesday, November 03, 2004

The Election and Other Frustrations...

Well. I suppose by now everybody's heard the news - we're in for another four years of President Bush. Well, given all the things he's done just this election year, I'm terrified to see what he does now that he has free reign to muck about with our freedoms for another four years when he's not concerned about getting elected again.


In other news, I applied for a car loan. The Cougar is reaching the end of its run. Reverse is sketchy, at best, and more often than not, I have to push it to get it rolling backwards. Forwards seems to work alright. Well, the amount of hassle I had to go through to even get anyone to look at my application is pretty disheartening, but now I'm just waiting... and waiting. I hope I have a definitive answer one way or another tomorrow. I've picked out a pretty nice car that seems like it's worth the money. We shall see, I suppose. I just wish I hadn't had to wait all day - I've been sick-to-my-stomach nervous all day long.
