It's (going to be) a Girl!
We had our appointment Monday, and it looks like we'll be having a baby girl!
The woman performing the procedure said that she'd been making the boy/girl call for almost 20 years and to her knowledge has never been wrong.
So, I spent last night with the baby name book. We had a boy's name all picked out, but so far we're unable to agree on a girl's name. I made it through the first half of the alphabet, with 5 or 6 potentials - hopefully I'll be able to get through the second half before too long.
The woman performing the procedure said that she'd been making the boy/girl call for almost 20 years and to her knowledge has never been wrong.
So, I spent last night with the baby name book. We had a boy's name all picked out, but so far we're unable to agree on a girl's name. I made it through the first half of the alphabet, with 5 or 6 potentials - hopefully I'll be able to get through the second half before too long.
The next few days are going to be pretty crazy: we've got tonight and tomorrow night to finish packing up the apartment. We have the closing Friday morning at 9am, followed by the moving of as much non-furniture items as possible. Saturday, we'll have the moving truck for the furniture. Then the unpacking, and settling in.
We have until the 15th to get everything squared away at the apartment, but I'm pretty sure we can be out Saturday afternoon.
3 Random Things I've been Enjoying:
We have until the 15th to get everything squared away at the apartment, but I'm pretty sure we can be out Saturday afternoon.
3 Random Things I've been Enjoying:
Very funny. Worth watching, even if you're not a Zombie fan.
Brain Age 2:
Diane and I enjoyed the first Brain Age a great deal - This second iteration is providing even more competitive entertainment.
The Complete Monty Python Box Set:
I've been after this for, literally, years. Finally it is mine, and I've been soaking up the surreal goodness for the last few days.
No. 4
The Larch