Wednesday, July 30, 2008

An Open Letter to My Coffee Cup

Good Morning. How are you today? Doing well? Good. I, also, am well.

Listen: I wanted to apologize to you. I left you, over the weekend, half-full of cold coffee, which has now become more a part of you than either of us had anticipated. I intend to give you a thorough scrubbing, and I want to warn you that it may get rough. I realize that you're getting the short end of things here, as it's my fault you're in the position that you're in. I glanced at you on my way out the office last Friday, and made the conscious decision not to wash you, or even empty you of the already ice-cold coffee that you contained. That was wrong of me. It was disrespectful, and not how I should treat a dear friend of mine. I hope that with time, and a fresh pot, you can forgive me.

P.S. That cheap styrofoam cup you saw me with this morning, means nothing to me. I was just holding it for a friend.


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